Sunday, April 20, 2008

Buses - Man Made, Holy Ghost Approved

Yeah, pretty much every country in the world has buses, but most of them kinda suck. I've waited for hours for a single bus a few times, when it should be coming every half hour (although perhaps they were running on Hawaiian time). Buses in Japan are rarely off schedule; and when they are, it is usually off by 30 seconds max. Fare is pretty standard at 220 yen, but if I had one gripe with the buses here, it would be the lack of free transfers... what's up with that, Japan?! Generally, though, you won't need to. Japan really is something else, you pay when you get off the bus rather than on it. There isn't much stopping someone from just jumping off the bus without paying, but that's Japan for you, God bless it.

In the third and final part of this expose on transportation, we'll be discussing the finer paints of trains.

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