Monday, April 7, 2008

Yodobashi Camera - So Big, it`s got a Sweets Museum Larger than Best Buy

Seriously, what is up with this store? It's gigantic! You have about six floors of amazing, along with two basement floors, to choose from; each floor dedicated to more specific items of orgasmic wonder, and all bigger than a Best Buy. Honestly, I've been to islands smaller than this place. There's also the same amount of floors designated to a clothing store within the building, not to mention the two floors with nothing but restraunts, one floor being dedicated entirely to desserts.
This store really does seem to be the prototypical Japanese department store, though. There's something about shopping in the same gigantic store with thousands of people, while workers shout out various news of interest, that Japanese people just seem to love.

Lesser men have died from how much awesome this place exudes.

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